Thursday, 18 October 2012

SOOO.... its been a while to say the least! Big things are happing

Wow  have  I ever been slacking on here! Sorry to the few who read my little blog lol! I have been a little busy to say the least . Last time I blogged was way back in June! So here is a quick recap of summer;
I won my Pro card awesome with the WBFF! Ya ya so happy ! Got to meet more  new and exciting people in the fitness world , did a few photo shoots,  belly danced main stage at the Canada day celebration in Vancouver, got into yet another sport cycling ! Top it off I got to bellydance in Viva Las Vegas at the flamingo hotel and enjoy  Vegas with my close Friends !
There was a lot of great times  and one big down I lost my best bud my beloved bulldog Thor, to who anyone that knows me he was my side kick. I have never lost  a pet but any pet owner knows how it feels its , horrible. So my awesome physic that I worked so hard on for months took a bit of a toll after this happened. 
Now I didn't  go crazy but I  had my share of cheat days not meals but days.  I'm Back on track and pushing hard as always. So in the coming months I'm making big changes in life I'm finishing once and for all my personal training /boot camp certificate so I can launch my Mommy makeover project threw my work at the medi spa. 
Helping client treat there skin and helping them get into shape and led a fit lifestyle ! I love what I do for a job and I want to get others excited about having great skin and being healthy inside and out ,I believe they go hand and hand .
So more blogs to come I promise! Fitness /dance and skin care tips I have them all for you! 
Hugs Heidi

Friday, 8 June 2012

2 WEEKS and SOOO much to do !

I cant believe its almost here! Finally going to get to step back on WBFF stage!
This last month is a jam packed one for me. From photos Shoots, studying for my personal training course to prepping for two dance shows and the biggest one  of all competing in the WBFF  BC show! I knew June would be a very busy month but I have been prepping for the BC show for months, so I fell im ready. I don't really have an "off  season" like some people , the only thing that change  in  off season is  I get to have cheat meals, other than that I stay very active with my training  and eat clean. 

 I'm very lucky to have a good group of friends, trainers and team mates  to help support me. Its hard sometimes to compete. I'm continually asked "why do you eat like that? why do you workout so much?  or my favorite of all  "your crazy  why do you put yourself through that?" ! " LOL  I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. 
Throughout  my journey of competing over  the last year, I have become extremely passionate about the fitness lifestyle, I have learned so much and I feel like I have inspired others to do the same. Last year I encouraged  my cousin  mother of 4 to compete with me, she did very well in her first figure show, and since then she has done 2 marathons and is now training for  the "Tuff  Mudder " on June 23!
So my answer to everyone's question of "why do you put yourself through that?"  Because I can!  Anyone can!  You can live a healthy active lifestyle! You can try something for the first time at any age! The only one holding you back is you. 
Good luck to everyone competing! I cant wait to meet you all! 

WBFF here I come! 

Friday, 18 May 2012

Five weeks !

Hello People!
5 weeks to go that's it! almost here! Everything is coming together pretty nicely! 2 photos shoots coming up and training super hard as usual .I will post a sneak peek late next week of some new pic's! So check back soon :) 

Cooking,cooking, cooking!!Anyone else feel that all they do is prep meal upon meal ?lol! I swear I spend half my life at the Gym and the other in the kitchen! Eating clean takes work but its far more worth it in the long run. My co-workers are defiantly  sick of the smell of talapia and turkey! Not to forget my poor hubby, who has been so patient with me, he knows that I can get quite snappy at times for no reason  and is sick of  having competition meals( he doesn't cook) so what ever I make hes eating it!

I celebrated my birthday the other day and I got the two things that I have been asking for for months... another year subscription to oxygen magazine and my new WEIGHTED VEST! soo happy about that one! 50 pounds of awesomeness and  extra kick ass workouts for me!
Also really excited to be apart of the new  Kore Fit Living's athletes page. Full Bio of training tips meal plans and  supplements! here's the link below  
check it out!

Birthday Hike with my new toy! 

Thanks for reading my little blog
Hugs Heidi

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

8 weeks and 4 days but who's counting...ME!

Time is flying by! I cant believe its almost May and show time is approaching!
Theses last few weeks have been a challenge but I keep on pushing.
My cracked rib is healing up nicely,Body By Brandt supplied me new meal plans, doing extra cardio and the pants are loosening up!

I really cant wait to take stage, I got my new suit, theme wear costume, 
 bikini bite almost everything but the tan!
 I have to say I love this sport for many reasons, not only feeling great inside and out but one my top fav's is that I really enjoy competing.
Competing against yourself  to do your personal best and to achieve better than the last time. All the hard work,  hours training, sweating  and dieting all comes down to being on  that stage.

Not to forget  on stage in a tini tiny bikini ! Yikes! I know if I have had one too many cheat meals, its gonna show. I made the mistake last year of over indulging a bit to much before my last show, which made me defiantly not as lean as I had been in the shows before. I was very disappointed in myself and knew I could have done better. I think this has pushed me in new ways to remind myself what can happen if I don't stay on track.
So as I write this I'm craving a late night snack,toast with peanut butter with a side of dill pickles weird eh?
lol! instead I'm drinking a cup of tea and thinking its all going to be worth it in the end!

Thanks for reading my blog I know its not much, short and sweet, I'm defiantly not a writer! so next blog's gonna be a VBlog ! 
Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy day!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Eleven weeks out from WBFF Show and I cracked a rib...

Eleven weeks out ...
Start of week 11 was going amazing! Muscle Mondays as  we like to call it, (trainer Dean Brandt and best friend Chelsea ) started the week off great with a full Body By Brandt style workout. Tuesday up at 5:30 for Spin class  following on a back and abs workout .Wednesday usually is  my cardio day, Thursday yet again Spinning my heart out followed by a lower body work. 

This brings us to Friday, which was a day off work, day to indulge in my other love in life, Dirt biking &  Racing motocross! Adrenaline junkie I can be at times, but for every sport  that's some what dangerous you can pay the price. 

I took a crash heading down the back straight away of the motocross track and landed on my right side. I couldn't breath and had completely  knocked the wind out of  myself. All I could think was dammit I have to be ready to go and on a stage in eleven weeks this better not be really bad
Thankfully the ex-rays showed that only my lower right rib was cracked and that I had internal bruising and swelling. So Sunday am stiff and soar I hopped on the treadmill and tried to get back at it.
Motto for this week and to follow :
I going to  achieve my goals this year and I'm not stopping until I do, no matter what it takes! 
Thanks for reading :) Hugs Heidi

Here's a little Vid of me at the end of yesterdays work 

Saturday, 31 March 2012

My First Blog !!

Ok, here goes my first blog! Hope you enjoy it :)

Today marks 12 weeks out for my second WBFF fitness show held in Vancouver BC
I'm so excited about getting on stage this year. I feel like I have more focus and drive then ever before.
  Last year was my first year doing fitness competitions.
I felt I did well for my first year, placing top 3 in the WBFF and top 5 in the BCABBA organization for fitness.  I'm really training hard on making big improvements this year and I am looking forward to stepping on stage and having fun!

Now for the training... so a typical day starts for me starts at 5:30am with
Oatmeal almonds and protein and I'm out the door to the gym! 6am for 45 minute Spin class followed by an upper body or lower body workout. Today was triceps /biceps /deltoids/ lats and a killer ab work out! Nothing like kicking the day off right! And for tonight.... more CARDIO!

Thank you so much for following me through this amazing journey. Regular updates, videos and workout tips will be posted each week. 
Cheers Heidi  

Follow me @Heidisahara